快讯 | 逆光:双城取样
Against the Light: Sampling in Two Cities

展览:  逆光:双城取样
地点:  有空间 深圳市南山区蛇口南海意库2栋201 
策展人: 胡斌、武漠

“逆光:双城取样”展览尝试以新的角度和方法描述珠三角地区年轻艺术家共通的内在体验与创作走向,将广州、香港两座艺术生态较为完善的城市视作容器,以样本观察的方式切入,选取了陈丹笛子、冯火、邝镇禧、汤大尧、邓国骞、 黎卓华六位艺术家/组合的作品。“逆光”作为一种视角提出,缘于珠三角地区经常性的阳光强烈直射,其在自然与城镇中形成的光影错落更形塑了城区景观、人的视觉体验与生活方式。在今天,它进一步延展为城市灯光、智能设备、数码屏幕等造成的后现代情状中的“人造逆光”效果。从上世纪70年代广东艺术家利用“逆光”构建的“阳光感”对“全国模式”的丰富,到当下珠三角艺术家以逆向或多重视角放大日常生活之“异象”的工作方法,“逆光”既形成了新的历史纵深感,又蕴含着某种“反其道而行之”的精神特质。








Exhibition Title: Against the Light: Sampling in Two Cities
Duration: 25th Nov. 2017 to 25th Feb. 2018
Exhibition Venue: YOU Space Room 201, Building 2, Nanhai E-cool, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Curators: HU Bin, WU Mo
Presented By: Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation

Against the Light: Sampling in Two Cities attempts to take on a new perspective and approach in iterating the shared experiences and creative direction among young artists in the Pearl River Delta region, regarding Guangzhou and Hong Kong – these two developed art ecologies – as the containers for six artists and artist collectives, namely CHEN Dandizi, FONG Fo, KONG Chun Hei, TANG Dayao, TANG Kwok Hin, Sarah LAI Cheuk Wah, whose artistic practices are observed and studied through this exhibition.

Against the Light proposes a perspective, inspired by the constant and strong daylight beating down on the two cities' natural and urban environment, its efflorescence shaping the urban landscape and people’s ways of life and visual experiences. Today, life is evolving into urban luminosity, with smart devices and digital screens creating an “artificial backlight” effect in the post-modern condition. Since the 1970s, artists from Guangdong have adopted the notion of the “backlight” in rendering the experience of being “under the sun” that enriched a “model for the whole country”; the artists of the Pearl River Delta region have heretofore taken on multiple or counterintuitive perspectives in magnifying the “uncanniness” of their everyday life. Against the Light aims to offer new depth to this historical narrative, while embodying a spiritual quality of “going against the grain.”