飞地之声·诗公社计划 | 第二回预告:约翰列侬的DNA
The Sound of Enclave: Commune of Poetry Project| Preview of the Second Gathering: John Lennon’s DNA

2016-06-18 飞地

/ 飞 地 之 声 系 列 活 动 之 /

- 诗 公 社 计 划 -

时间:2016年7月3日 周日晚20:00
嘉宾:Shawn Persinger(美国)、王敖(美国)

—  活 动 概 要  —

本次活动由美国音乐人Shawn Persinger诗人王敖合作,讲授约翰列侬歌曲的一些核心特点,将音乐分析与诗歌教学结合起来,并现场邀请观众参加创作与互动。

Shawn Persinger从技术的层面,讲解列侬音乐的核心特点,并通过workshop的形式直接请参与者进行创作。王敖从歌词写作的角度,分析列侬的文化背景,诗歌渊源,以及特殊的手法。


—  参 与 方 式  —

3.另外,我们郑重邀请两位志愿者,参与现场录制和摄影。你将有机会近距离接触诗人与艺术家,并与飞地团队共同完成制作。如果你想参与我们,给我们写信吧,把简短的个人介绍和作品发给 yingchuan@enclavelit.com,我们会与你联系。

/ 所有参与者(包含邀请和报名)都需要填写邀请函中的回执,在职业一栏,请表明自己的文化身份或兴趣爱好契合本期主题。

—  本 场 嘉 宾  —

Shawn Persinger,美国当代音乐家,毕业于Musicians Institute in Los Angeles,New Haven大学客座讲授。20世纪90年代担任前卫摇滚乐队Boud Deun吉他手,现为爵士组合Prester John乐队主音吉他手。曾赴三十多个国家演出,编写过关于爵士乐和摇滚乐的多种教材,比如Bebop Jazz Guitar和The 50 Greatest Guitar Books,开发过广受欢迎的青少年创意课程I'm an Alligator. I'm a Crocodile。

王敖,诗人,耶鲁大学博士,现任教于美国维斯里安大学东亚学院。著有《绝句与传奇诗》(作家出版社,2007年,获安高诗歌奖Anne Kao Poetry Prize),《王道士的孤独之心俱乐部》(南京大学出版社,2013年),曾获人民文学新人奖。译著有《读诗的艺术》(南京大学出版社,2010年),另译有大量国外著作。


—  “ 诗 公 社 计 划 ” 介 绍  —






18th June, 2016  Enclave

/ The Sound of Enclave series /

- Commune of Poetry Project -
- Second Gathering: John Lennon’s DNA -

Time: 3rd July, 2016  Sunday night 20:00
Venue: Enclave Bookstore 

Guests: Shawn Persinger (US), Wang Ao (US)

Director: Wang Yang

Host: Zhang Er

Co-producers: Shenzhen Enclave Media, Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation, Tai Yi Foundation (US)


- Event Introduction –

Jointly arranged by United States musician Shawn Persigner and poet Wang Ao, the event explains some core features of John Lennon’s songs with a combination of music appreciation and poetry tutorial. The audience are invited to get involved in creating art and interacting with each other.

Shawn Persinger will talk about the core features of Lennon’s music from a technical perspective. He will also engage the audience in bringing their creativity into full play through workshop interaction. Taking the angle of lyric composition, Wang Ao will analyze the cultural background of Lennon, source of inspiration of his poems as well as special techniques he used.

At the same time a talk, a workshop and also a concert, the event attempts to offer public education to all art and culture lovers.

- How to participate –

1. By invitation: You will receive a personal invitation from Enclave

2. Sign-up: Click to read full text and receive an invitation letter. While signing up, please fill in your email address carefully as we will contact you through email.

3. Also we are looking for two volunteers to help take videos and photographs of the event. You will have the opportunity to come close to the poets and artists and join hands with the Enclave Team in the production process. Write to us if you want to join us. Send a brief introduction of yourself and your works to yingchuan@enclavelit.com. We will reply shortly.

/ All participants (both invited and signed-up) are required to fill in the reply slip in the invitation letter. For “Occupation” please state your profession in art and culture, or show that your interests match the theme of the latest event.

- Guests of this gathering -

Shawn Persinger, contemporary musician from the US, graduated from Musicians Institute in Los Angeles. Visiting professor at University of New Haven, guitarist of vanguard rock band Boud Deun in 1990s, now lead guitarist of Jazz band Prester John. He has performed in more than 30 countries and has written a large number of educational materials on Jazz and rock music, such as Bebop Jaz Guitar and The 50 Greatest Guitar Books. He was also the initiator of a widely popular creativity course for teenages, “I'm an Alligator. I'm a Crocodile”.

Wang Ao, poet, received PhD from Yale University, now teaching at the East Asia Academy of Wesleyan University. His publications include Quatrains and Fictional Poems (《绝句与传奇诗》) (The Writers’ Publishing House, 2007, winner of Anne Kao Poetry Prize), Taoist Priest Wang’s Club of Loneliness (《王道士的孤独之心俱乐部》) (Nanjing University Press, 2013) . He was awarded the Best New Writer of The People’s Literature Award (人民文学新人奖). Translation includes The Art of Reading Poetry (Nanjing University Press, 2010) and many other foreign publications.



Wang Yang, Associate Professor of the Film Academy of Shanghai University, script-writer and director of documentaries and theatrical performances, film critic.


- About “Commune of Poetry Project” -

Commune of Poetry is also known as the collaborative community of public education of poetry and art. It is a cross-border cultural collaborative project designed and launched by Zhang Er and Wang Ao, with the ambition to integrate international culture and intelligence resources pertinent to poetry, in addition to investigating and bringing together different disciplines and arts.

The objective of Commune of Poetry is to integrate the intelligence resources available in different countries and professional area, overcoming the uneven resource distribution and separation among professions. It invites talents of all disciplines and fields relevant to poetry and art from all over the world to spontaneous creation and experiment, blended upon the foundation of a mix of talk and performance, such that the learned audience is exposed to a transparent interface of knowledge exchange. A new product of intelligence thus comes into light, which constitutes a new form of knowledge propagation and new model of skill education of. Eventually, Commune of Poetry will transform offline events to online video broadcasting and provides, through sharing channels such as the Internet and the latest generation of media, an educational platform to a much larger group hoping to broaden their base of knowledge, skills and creativity.

The Poetry Commune is organized by Shenzhen Enclave Media, collaboratively produced and operated internationally by Frank F. Yang Art and Education Foundation and Tai Yi Association.